Vinyl Institute

Vinyl Institute

1747 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 825


DC 20006


Phone: 202-765-2200

The Vinyl Institute (VI) is a US trade association representing the leading manufacturers of vinyl, vinyl chloride monomer, vinyl additives and modifiers, and vinyl packaging materials. The VI works on behalf of its members to promote the benefits of the world’s most versatile plastic. The vinyl industry in the United States employs over 350,000 highly skilled employees at nearly 3,000 facilities and generates an economic value of $54.4 billion.

Vinyl products provide solutions for today’s energy, environmental, and social needs. including these:

  • Lower life-cycle impacts than many competing materials
  • The material of choice for durable building products that conserve energy, water, and other resources
  • Inherently fire retardant—the standard for jacketing and insulation on building wire
  • Trusted in healthcare for outstanding physical and chemical properties
  • A competitive, cost-effective solution for a variety of applications

Health & Safety

VI's Health, Safety, and Environmental Committee monitors the industry’s performance in safe, environmentally responsible manufacturing practices throughout the industry. The group works with government agencies on issues involving the setting of and compliance with manufacturing standards and annually recognizes outstanding achievements among VI member companies for workplace safety and environmental performance.


VI conducts or sponsors research ranging from economic analyses to technical reports and fact sheets, including life-cycle inventory data used by vinyl product manufacturers for life-cycle assessments. The VI offers accredited continuing education programs for the architecture and design communities and sponsors teams in the US Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon and design competitions for the American Institute of Architecture Students.

  • Siding
  • Fabric
  • Windows
  • Roofing
  • Flooring
  • Railing